Find Courage to Write the Next Chapter of Your Story One Bold Step at a Time

Do you feel like life sold you a story about success and then pulled a bait and switch?

You thought if you got an education, worked your way up the corporate ladder impressing superiors along the way, and made a good income you’d feel fulfilled?

That’s not the way it happened for my clients:

  • Katie is one of the most joyful people you’ll meet and an amazing team director…but she was tired of smiling all the time to please other people while accommodating their every need.

  • Sarah is one of the most devoted moms you’ll meet…but she was modeling exactly what she did not want her daughter to become by negating her needs.

  • Justin is one of the most competent leaders you’ll meet…but he felt stuck at a crossroads and wondered if working all the time and not knowing who he was anymore determined his life.

I can relate.

After college, I was the hyper-intelligent makeup artist who would get returning customers at the store counter quizzing me on science facts and not buying products….while taking me away from buying customers.

I had to smile and play along to not offend them.

But, I cringed inside. Am I a circus monkey here to deliver nerdy science factoids? When will they see me as a serious makeup artist and a saleswoman?

I left the makeup counter to become a working artist and then went for my graduate degrees— an MFA and then Ph.D.

Yes, I’m smart, but I’ll do it on my terms and not for your entertainment, I thought.

In my work to prove myself and my competency, I completely burned myself out by striving to please all of my professors, serve my students, and keep up with my social life.

On the outside, it looked like I really had it together. I was a scattered mess inside.

How is it that when we’ve taken on a career, a family, friendships, and hobbies we actually become unfulfilled and exhausted?

What happens when we step out of the shadows and into our true light outside of the story pages we’ve been told time and again?

My clients grabbed the pen and changed the trajectory of their story:

  • Katie found the clarity and courage to leave a toxic job so she could focus her energy on herself, understand her needs, and make a heart-centered choice on her career pivot. She spent six months traveling to reconnect with herself and discovered the joy of volunteerism. She’s head-hunted all the time for corporate positions similar to what she left. She thanks them for the call and says NO without a stop in her voice. She knows her work as a volunteer will open the pathway to her next chapter.

  • Sarah put her self-care on her list each morning and created the space she needed to take fill her cup before serving others. Her children began to model this behavior by showing more competence in daily tasks. Their relationships deepened as a family. She also completely overcame imposter syndrome by getting real with her needs and advocating for herself at home and in the workplace.

  • Justin realized HOW he is at his core and what his needs are. He left a toxic job and found his dream career (that seemingly came into his life with ease) and is now earning more than 6 figures more than his old salary.

For myself, I became a teacher and found the art of not having all the answers, but of asking the right questions for my students to grow. Leaning into not knowing took courage, but opened doorways for my students’ fruitful learning.

I could go on with more client stories, but I think you feel the common thread:

  • Give yourself permission to take a bird’s eye view of life and then take action to the next best steps that connect with your best life.

  • Look past the clutter of to-do lists and expectations from others— those are all surface-level distractions from what your heart’s true gift to the world is.

  • Say YES to your needs and the universe will honor you right back.

    I’ve got three spots open for coaching through my signature program The Greater Purpose Blueprint.

Join Katie, Sarah, Justin, and the others not mentioned here on a new chapter of life better aligned with your core values so you can charge forward with certainty and confidence.